Utilizamos cookies para asegurarnos de que le demos la mejor experiencia en nuestra página web.

Cookies Notice


A cookie is a small piece of text that allows a website to recognize your device and maintain a consistent, cohesive experience throughout multiple sessions. If you visit EDAN pages, both EDAN and third parties will use cookies to track and monitor some of your activities, and store and access some data about you, your browsing history, and your usage of the EDAN pages.


This policy describes how both EDAN and other third parties use cookies and how you can exercise a greater degree of control over cookies. Please keep in mind that this may alter your experience with our website, and may limit certain features.

General Browsing: We use cookies that are important for certain technical features of our website, like implementing fixes and improvements to our platform.

These cookies:

    - Enable behavior in our Products or Services that is tailored to the activity or preferences of a person visiting our properties

    - Allow users to opt out of certain types of modeling or personalization in our products

    - Collect information on our users’ preferences in order to create more useful products

    - Maintain the regular business operations of our Advertising and Marketing departments

    - Help to diagnose and correct downtime, bugs, and errors in our code to ensure that our products are operating efficiently

Analytics: We use cookies to compile usage activity in order to better cater our Products and Services offerings to you, and to third parties. We DO NOT share identifiable “raw” data with our clients or any third parties, however we do make high-level decisions based on aggregated data about your usage of our Products and Services.

These cookies:

    - Monitor site traffic and behavior flows of users

    - Measure the effectiveness of products

    - Measure the effectiveness of off-site marketing campaigns and tactics


In general, we collect most data from you via form submission. However, there are cases when visiting our site and/or using our platforms in which we may receive certain information through the use of cookies. This data will generally not include personally identifying information about you.

    - Unique identification tokens

    - User preferences such as favorite tags (for anonymous users only)

Third Party Cookies

The use of cookies, the names of cookies, and other cookies related cookies technology may change over time and EDAN will make all reasonable efforts to notify you by updating our cookies table where material changes occur and from time-to-time.


If you don’t want EDAN to use cookies when you visit EDAN home pages, you can opt-out of certain cookie related processing activities when you visit the pages. If you opt-out of cookies, we have to set a cookie to tell us that. Please note that EDAN may not work properly and you may have diminished functionality if you opt-out of certain cookies.If you decide that you do not want cookies to be set on your device by our third-party Partners, you can adjust the settings on your internet browser and choose from the available Cookies setting to best meet your preferences. While setting options may vary from browser to browser, you can generally choose to reject some or all cookies, or instead to receive a notification when a cookie is being placed on your device. For more information, please refer to the user help information for your browser of choice. Please keep in mind that cookies may be required for certain functionalities, and by blocking these cookies, you may limit your access to certain parts or features of our sites. You can manually delete the cookies at any time.


Term of Use



This Website is owned by EDAN Instruments,(EDAN). By using this Website, you are deemed to have read and accepted these terms and conditions. Please refrain from using this Website if you do not agree to all or any of these terms and conditions.


    - The contents of our Website are intended for your personal non-commercial use only. Graphics and images on this Website are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without our written permission. Modification of any of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose will be a violation of EDAN’s copyright and other intellectual property rights and the copyright and intellectual property rights of the respective owners.

    - If you download any software from the Website, the software, including any files, images incorporated in or generated by the software, and data accompanying the software (collectively, the “Software”) are licensed to you by EDAN. EDAN does not transfer title to the Software to you. You own the medium on which the Software is recorded, but EDAN retains full and complete title to the Software, and all intellectual property rights therein. You may not redistribute, sell, decompile, reverse-engineer, disassemble or otherwise deal with the Software.

Use of Website

    - You agree to use this Website in accordance with these terms and conditions and for lawful and proper purposes. You agree to be responsible for all matters arising from your use of this Website. Further, you agree not to use this Website in any manner which breaches any applicable law or regulations or causes or which may cause an infringement of any third party rights, not to post, transmit or disseminate any information on or via this Website which may be harmful, obscene, defamatory or illegal or create liability on EDAN’s part, not to interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation or functionality of this Website and not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access, via whatever means, to any of EDAN’s systems.

    - If EDAN (in its sole discretion) believes that you are in breach, or will be in breach, of any of these terms and conditions, EDAN reserves its right to deny you access to this Website without giving you a reason and/or without further reference to you.

Other Sites

    - Our Website provides links to other sites and vice versa merely for your convenience and information. We shall neither be responsible for the content and availability of such other sites that may be operated and controlled by third parties and by our various branch offices worldwide, nor for the information, products or services contained on or accessible through those Websites. Your access and use of such websites remain solely at your own risk. EDAN will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential losses and/or damages of whatsoever kind arising out of your access to such sites.


EDAN does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that this Website or this server that makes it available is free of any virus or other harmful elements. EDAN does not warrant or make any representations regarding the correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise of the materials in this Website or the results of their use.


    - By using our Website, you agree that we will not be liable under any circumstances, including negligence, for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from your use of the information and material contained in our Website or from your access to any of the linked sites. We are also not liable nor responsible for any material provided by third parties with their own respective copyright and shall not under any circumstances, be liable for any loss, damages or injury arising from these materials. Our total liability (if any) for all damages, losses, costs and expenses under whatever cause of action, whether in contract, tort or otherwise will not exceed any amount paid by you for accessing our Website.

    - Any EDAN publication may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes may be made to these publications from time to time and incorporated in new editions of these publications. At any time without notice, these publications are subject to improvements and changes in service by EDAN.

    - The information contained in this Website is for informational purposes only and is provided to you on an “as-is” basis. We do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, reliability, authenticity of completeness of any of the information contained on this website. We are not liable for any information or services which may appear on any linked websites.

Changes and Modifications

    - We reserve the right at our absolute discretion and without liability to change, modify, alter, adapt, add or remove any of the terms and conditions contained herein and/or change, suspect or discontinue any aspect of this Website.

    - We are not required to give you any advanced notice prior to incorporation any of the above changes and/or modifications into this Website.

Suggestions, Comments or Feedback

Any communication from you sent to our Website or otherwise to us by electronic mail shall be treated as non-confidential. . FOR THIS PURPOSE, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT whenever necessary to disclose your personal information without our own offices, authorized agents, government/security agencies or the providers of similar services, in whatever country they may be located.


The exclusions and limitations described herein shall apply only to the extent permitted by law, without prejudice to our rights to seek legal redress in accordance with the applicable laws.

Data Protection

Please also see EDAN’s Privacy Policy regarding information you supply when you use this Website.

Conflict Between English Text and Other Translation

If there is any conflict or discrepancy between the English text of terms and conditions of this Terms of Use and any translation thereof, the English text shall prevail and supersede any other translation or any other version in any other language.